
1. Information provided on this website

We are thoroughly committed to the operation of the website, but we do not guarantee everything about its contents.
Therefore, we do not take any responsibility for any damage caused by using information on this website.

2. About Link Usage

Regarding the link from our website, we do not guarantee the contents of the linked website.
Please confirm the terms of use of these websites, personal information protection policy, etc. when using the linked website.

3. About vacancy information

Although vacancy information is updated as occasion demands, vacancy information at the time of inquiries due to a failure of a computer etc. may differ from the display on each page.
We pay close attention to the rent for each room, but please bear in mind that there was an artificial mistake by any chance. In addition, the information may be changed or updated without prior notice, and we can change the property information and rent described on this website without notice.

4. About images and videos posted

Playback of images and movies posted on this site may vary depending on display type, OS type, browser version, etc. In addition, the image may differ from the actual condition from the actual state of the furniture.
In the event that the information is different from the current status of the property, the current situation shall take precedence.